STA 418/518

Statistical Computing & Graphics with R

Nothing in this syllabus is set in stone. This is not designed to be a map or a contract, but rather a starting place with the goal of transforming the syllabus (and our learning) as we go. Throughout this semester, we will discover and question what we do, together.

Drop-in Hours

I will be holding virtual drop-in hours throughout the semester. A link and time for these sessions will be posted on the Blackboard course site. These times are for you; you will not be interrupting me. You are encouraged to talk about something off topic or if you simply want to touch base about something course related.

Class Time

Meetings: Monday and Wednesday; 6:00–7:50pm.

Location: Online; See Blackboard for meeting space information

Face Coverings

For GVSU’s most up-to-date face covering policy, consult Note that I do not see this policy as being too important for our class sessions since we will be meeting online this semester.

Course Description

An introduction to statistical programming and graphics using the object-oriented statistical language R. Skills in writing R code to perform statistical analyses, graphics and simulations are developed. Emphasis will be on solving real problems with hands-on work including randomization statistics, time series, data mining and big data analysis.


(STA 215, STA 220, or STA 312) and (STA 216, CIS 162, or CIS 261) or admission to a graduate program in biostatistics, computer information systems, or health informatics and bioinformatics.

Required Resources

The primary text that I will assign readings from is,

Depending on what motivates your interest in statistical computing and how you approach your work for this class, you may want to read one or more of the following:

To use the course tools, you will need to have access to:

  • A laptop or tablet device.
  • A modern web browser. Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge are preferred, though Mozilla Firefox should also work.
  • Reliable access to high-speed internet.
  • I also recommend that you have access to a webcam and wired headphones. This will help to increase active participation and engagement in remote class sessions.

If you have any issue with accessing the above for whatever reason, let me know as soon as possible. I may know of resources that can help you for your case.

We will use a combination of Blackboard, Microsoft Teams, GitHub, and GVSU’s RStudio Workbench for announcements, due dates, and class materials. Be sure to check these spaces at least daily.

Course Objectives

After successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Import, manage, and clean data.
  • Create graphical displays and numerical summaries of data for exploratory analysis and presentations.
  • Write R programs for simulations from probability models and randomization-based experiments.
  • Use source documentation and other resources to troubleshoot and extend R programs.
  • Write clear, efficient, and well-documented R programs.

The work of this course

This course is about using R to do stuff. Some of you have little to no programming experience, while others are very proficient coders. I will provide you with a recommended path based on the course objectives, but I am happy to work with you so that we can design this course to better suite your personal learning goals.

We will make a lot of mistakes through out the semester. Mistakes provide us with an opportunity to reflect on our current understanding, make adjustments, and update our knowledge. Make your mistakes loudly. That is, seek help or clarification during our class meetings and in our online communication platform.


My hope is that this will be a collaborative and cooperative learning experience – a learning community. For us to work together as a community, we all must find ways to be present in the various places that our course lives (e.g., during our class meetings or in our online communication). If you cannot finish your work for any reason, you get stuck, or you do not know where to begin, chat with me (in advance).


The Weekly Content area in our Blackboard course site will walk you through the various activities of the week. These will include readings, videos, suggested practice activities, and self-reflections.

Major Project

Throughout the semester, you will work on a single statistical computing project (on your own or in a group). We will determine the parameters of this project together early in the semester.


A portfolio is a collection of work that provides information about the person doing the work. Artists and architects have portfolios that show the range and scope of what they do. By looking at their portfolios, you get a sense of who this person is, how they have grown as a professional, what they have produced, and what they are capable of producing.

This is the intention behind your STA 418/518 Portfolio: you will give a curated collection of your work along with responses to some prompts that tell the story of your growth from the first day of class all the way to the end. Your goal is to argue, convincingly with concrete evidence, how you have met the criteria for the course objectives and class engagement. Your portfolio will have three due dates:

  • Thursday, June 23 at 11:59 pm: This is a midterm check-in point. While we will not have covered all of the content of the course yet, you will have plenty to reflect on in your Portfolio. The week of June 27, I will check-in individually with each student to discuss your submission.
  • Thursday, July 21 at 11:59 pm: Think of this as an opportunity for feedback before your final Portfolio submission. The week of July 25, I will check-in individually with each student that made a submission.
  • Wednesday, August 10 at 11:59 pm

Course Grading

While you will be receiving a grade at the end of the semester, I will not be putting grades on individual assignments. Rather, I will ask questions and provide comments to engage with your work rather than simply evaluate it. Throughout the semester, you will also be responding to your work and the work of your peers in a similar fashion. The intention here is to help you focus on working in a more organic way, as opposed to working as you think you are expected to. I hope that this process will give you (and me) a partial liberation from letter grades, but if it ends up causing more anxiety than it alleviates, feel free to see me at any point to confer about your performance in the course to date. If you are worried about your grade in the class, your best strategy should be to attend class, take part in discussions, do the readings, and complete all activities.



All assignments, documents, and feedback will be posted on the Blackboard course site. You will also use this for submitting assignments.

The calendar in Blackboard will be used for all important time-sensitive information (e.g., Portfolio submissions). This calendar will be kept up to date to the best of my ability. If you notice any conflicts in times or dates, please let me know so that I can correct them.

R/R Studio

We will access R/RStudio through GVSU’s RStudio Workbench. A link to this tool is provided at the top of this syllabus as well as on Blackboard. You can access the RStudio Workbench by using your GVSU credentials.

R and RStudio are freely available applications. You may choose to install these applications on your personal machine. If you choose to do this (it is not required), I would encourage you to follow the guide by Jenny Bryan et al.: Happy Git and GitHub for the useR.


We will be using GitHub extensively throughout this course for creating documents, completing activities, and collaboration. GVSU’s RStudio Workbench will also provide us with access to Git (a way to communicate between RStudio and GitHub).

You may choose to install Git on your personal machine (not required) and I would again point you to the Happy Git guide from Bryan et al.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is communication platform that allows us to share documents, seek feedback, ask questions, and provide support. There are web-based apps, computer apps, and phone apps to seamlessly use this tool across multiple platforms. A link to our Teams space is provided in Blackboard.

We will spend time during the first few weeks of the semester practicing how to use this tool. You already have an account for this tool through your GVSU credentials.

By taking a course with me, you are now a part of my learning and scholarship lab that I am calling data-comm (i.e., the Data Community lab). When you join this space you should see two channels: General and SS2022 STA 418-518 S01. Anything you type in the General channel will be viewable by all data-comm members - those in our course and those not in our course. The SS2022 STA 418-518 S01 channel is a place for conversations specifically about our course. We can create additional channels as needed; this is our space.

Getting Help

The best resource for getting help in this class will be to show up to our sessions and ask questions. However, this is not always when issues or questions arise. To assist in these situations, there are a number of additional ways to seek assistance.

Microsoft Teams

For help with course tools, materials, or other items, ask questions in the appropriate channel on Teams. I and your peers will be your best resources throughout the semester for specific questions about this course.

Stats Tutoring Center

GVSU’s Stats Tutoring Center is both in-person and online this semester, starting Wednesday, September 1! You can access the most up-to-date information on their website at There you will find our current hours on both the Allendale (MAK A-2-101) and Pew (EC 608) campus, the hours of our virtual center as well as hours for help with R. They are hoping to have in-person hours on both campuses Monday–Thursday 10a-5p and Fridays 10a–2p in Allendale, but these hours may change. Their in-person centers will follow the same safety protocols as GVSU classrooms. The virtual Stats Center will be open Sunday-Thursday 5–9p, but they will add more hours if necessary. Bring questions to any center about technology, on methods and concepts, or on specific problems. All Stats Center tutoring is FREE, so stop by early and often.

To access virtual drop-in tutoring, you can use the link in our Blackboard course site called Stats Tutoring Center or visit their website. Then you will need to click on the “Online Stats Tutoring Center” button, which will require a GVSU login. When you enter their Collaborate room, please type your first and last name so they can get you signed in and connected with a tutor.

Tutoring Center

GVSU’s general Tutoring Center is offering appointment tutoring in-person and virtually. You can sign up for 50-minute tutoring appointments for many Stats courses. Request a tutor at or schedule directly on Navigate. Questions about the Tutoring Center can be directed to

Technology Help

I am not able to provide support for most technological issues. If you encounter issues with technology, use one of the following resources:

  • For help with Blackboard: Email the GVSU Blackboard Help Desk ( or call (616) 331-8526. For hours and more information see
  • For help with the GVSU network, email, or printing: Email the GVSU IT Help Desk at or call (616) 331-2101 or toll-free (855) 435-7466. For hours and more information see
  • For specific help with your computer or device: Contact the GVSU IT Help Desk (see previous bullet) or contact your equipment manufacturer of computer store.
  • For help with course tools or applications: Ask a question on the discussion board, seek out the help documentation in the tool or application, or do a targeted Google search.

Equitable and Inclusive Learning Environment

I will strive to create an equitable and inclusive learning environment in our class. It is my goal that you feel able to share information about your experiences as a student. I will keep information that you share with me private to the best of my ability; however, there is some information that may need to be shared with the university, especially regarding sexual misconduct or information about a crime that may have occurred on GVSU’s campus. Below are additional resources available for support:

Title IX, Sexual Misconduct Policy, and Gender- and Sexual-Based Harassment Policy

Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender are Civil Rights offenses subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition also protects students from discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity. If you or someone you know has been harassed, assaulted, or denied services on the basis of sex or gender, you can find the appropriate resources at or contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Theresa Rowland at (616) 331-9530 or

Special Learning Needs

If you have special needs because of learning, physical, or other disabilities, it is your responsibility to contact Disability Support Resources (DSR) at (616) 331-2490 or DSR will help you arrange accommodations. Then, set up an appointment with me about how I can help in making those accommodations and ensure that they are consistent with your arrangements with DSR.

Basic Security Needs

As a student, you may experience a range of issues that can negatively impact your learning, such as anxiety, depression, interpersonal or sexual violence, difficulty eating or sleeping, loss/grief, and/or alcohol/drug problems. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance and affect your ability to participate in day-to-day activities. To support you during such challenging times, GVSU provides several confidential resources to all enrolled students, including the University Counseling Center or (616) 331-3266 and the Student Ombuds, Takeelia Garrett

If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or if you lack a safe and stable place to live, I encourage you to visit Replenish, a food resource for GVSU students. GVSU also provides Special Circumstances and Financial Hardship grants that can be used to assist in paying for many expenses. Contact the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships at (616) 331-3234 or visit Special Circumstance & Financial Hardship Requests.

If you are comfortable doing so, please speak with me about your circumstances so that I can advocate for you and connect you with other campus resources.

Gender expression and identity

If your state issued identification does not match your preferred name, your name can be updated in some areas (such as Blackboard, mailroom, and your GVSU ID). At GVSU, this is called “myName” and you can request a myName by following these steps:

  1. Login to myBanner, select the Personal Information tab, then select My Profile.
  2. You will be directed to another authentication page where you will be prompted to enter your network credentials.
  3. On the Personal Details section, select Edit on the and enter your myName.

When your myName has been received and reviewed, you will receive an email letting you know either that it has been approved or requesting further information. Once approved, allow up to two days for the myName to be updated across the campus system. More information about myName can be found on the Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center’s page.

Academic Integrity

The university’s academic integrity policy is described in the GVSU Student Code, Section 4. Every student has the responsibility of reading and understanding these policies, especially the consequences for engaging in academically dishonest activities.

Authorship is a hotly contested topic in academia. In some disciplines, creative influence, collaboration, and borrowing are usually acceptable (even encouraged) while others have more strict beliefs. In this class, I encourage you to borrow ideas (from me, from materials we interact with, from your classmates). But, even more, I encourage you to truly make them your own – by playing with, manipulating, applying, and otherwise turning them on their head. It is boring to rest on the creations of others. It is daring (and more fun) to invent something new yourself. This does not give you license to copy something in its entirety and slap your name on it. That is just stealing. Instead, consciously think about how you are influenced by your sources – knowledge and creativity depend on a sort of inheritance. Also think about the real responsibility you have to those sources.


As you are aware, we will be having class this semester while trying to navigate a global pandemic that seems to change every day. Although these plans can be scary and demoralizing, I want you to know that GVSU is doing everything in its power to keep people safe from Covid-19. I believe that if we observe reasonable precautions like the ones described here, then while the risk of Covid-19 is still present, there is no reason to be afraid. We will still learn and grow intellectually just as in “typical” times if we stay focused and work together.

What follow are general guidelines for how we can work productively together during STA 418/518.

Taking care of yourself

Of the utmost importance is taking care of your own physical and mental health during these difficult times. Make sure you are getting sufficient rest, staying connected to friends and family, and giving yourself time and space to do things you enjoy outside of college. The Mayo Clinic provides several tips for maintaining good self-care in our situation.

While we will not be coming to campus for STA 418/518, you are still implored to perform a self-evaluation each day and if you feel even the slightest bit of sickness or Covid-19 symptoms, stay home. If you have a class that meets on campus, you should be on campus only if you feel completely healthy.

GVSU Policies

This course is subject to the GVSU policies listed at


Portions of this syllabus have been adapted from the syllabi of Drs. Robert Talbert, John Gabrosek, Neal Rogness (all from GVSU), and Jesse Stommel (from CU Boulder).

Posted on:
May 1, 2022
15 minute read, 3121 words
See Also: